Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Future of La Raza

The Future of La Raza

Is this a conscious choice we must address?

Somewhere along the way, did we La Raza, take a wrong turn? We are all descendants of some of the most advanced civilizations in the History of the entire world. In us flows the blood of Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses. Of brave warriors full of courage is our linage, but the question remains. Are we following our true destiny? What would our ancestors whom built the Aztec and Mayan civilizations pyramids, calendars and many other wonderful inventions, which in their time were even more sophisticated than those of the Europeans of that same time period think?

Teens dying in the streets from gang violence, while others are dying daily, from the wicked poisons made only to fatten the wallets of the drug dealers. Young girls selling themselves for the almighty dollar because they think they can do no better in life. Hispanic teens dropping out from schools, only to learn much later that without an education, career or trade, there is not much choice for them but to engage in low wage menial employment.

The time has come for La Raza, to make a collective choice. Even though many Mexican-Americans are moving towards achieving success in life, many others are still being left behind. This is not, the way it should be. We as a collective people must replace the voice of indecision now facing our youth with the voice of the certain assurance, that they can obtain the same level of success which our ancestors enjoyed, and therefore return La Raza to the splendor and wonder, which also awaits our youth through the acquisition of knowledge and of a higher education.

Copyright 2012 Frank S.
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